Thursday, July 09, 2009

Spanish Day

Last week in St- Bede's we had Spanish day. The children had a great time they got to try some Spanish food, have their face painted in a Spanish style and try some Flamenco Dancing.
Below is a video with some pictures from the day.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Rainbow Theatre Group

Recently year 2 was lucky enough to be visited by The Rainbow Theatre Group, they performed 'Beauty and the Beast' and 'The Ugly Duckling' with the help of some year 2 children.

It was a really enjoyable experiance for all of us and has really helped the children with the story writing we have been doing in class.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Life in 2N

All in 2N have been working really hard lately and have produced some of the best work of the year so far.

We have produced some excellent work on our poems and non-chronological text in Literacy which has been of a high standard.

In numeracy we have been working really hard at improving our understanding of number. This has involved us doing a lot more work on all four of the operations, something that has gone really well.

We have also been looking at animals and variation in our science work which has given us the chance to get out of the class and take a look at habitats for ourselves.

A huge congratulations must also go out to the whole class for the hard work and effort they put into our class assembly. The assembly went really well and all of the children really enjoyed themselves. I would also like to say a big thank you on behalf of the school to all of the parents who found time to attend the show.

Thank you to all and a big well done to all in 2N for the past half term, lets keep it up.

Below is a video of some photos taken during class time.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

2N with the photographer

On Tuesday this week we were lucky enough to have a professional photographer come into our school from the star snappers company. The children had a chance to be not only the photographers but also the models in this photo shoot. Below is a picture of 2N enjoying their time with the photographer.

International week

For part of 2N’s celebration of International week we produced animal masks in class that we used as part of our photo shoot. Below is a video of the children creating their animal masks.

Parents' views

Thank you to all the parents who sent in a completed questionnaire in order to help make our new School Plan. Most comments were positive and thanked the teachers in Key Stage 1 for the good job they do with the children so thank you very much on behalf of our staff.
Unfortunately no parents attended the drop-in session. Because of this Mrs McGrath and Miss McAuliffe will be available before and after school next week for your comments. Please feel free to approach them and let them know of any ideas or comments that will help us to improve our school.
Mrs Kendrick

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Florence comes to visit.

Last Friday year2 were lucky to have Florence Nightingale come in to see us. She came in for the whole morning with 2N. We had a chance to talk to her and look at some of the objects she had brought with her for us to see. 2 lucky children were even asked forward by Florence and got to dress up in some of her old fashioned clothes.

Below is a video made up of some of the pictures of the time we spent with Florence.

More Music Lessons

Since returning from half-term we have been learning about how to mtch symbols with movements and sound. We have done this not only using instruments but also with our voices and bodies. Delow is 2N's song to demonstrate this 'The Hairy Scary Castle'

Friday, March 13, 2009

2N's Excellent work

Since returning from half term 2N have been work incredibly hard producing some of our most outstanding work of the year so far. In Literacy we have been learning about stories by the author Eric Carle of which we have now started a new class display.

The work in Science has also been of the highest standard, our topic has been plants and animals with the class not only looking after 2N’s own plant but also carrying out an experiment to grow our own cress. Again some of this work will soon be on display due to the children taking so much care over it.

In Maths we have been looking at the concept of different measures, the children have both enjoyed and excelled at this topic as it involves a lot of hands on ideas for the children to carry out.

Overall I am very happy with the work that the class is producing and I encourage them all the time to keep this hard work up.


From Mr Nunn

Friday, February 13, 2009

Florence Nightingale Projects

This half term the children in 2N have been completing projects on Florence Nightingale. These projects have been marked by me but have also been shared with the rest of the class during our fruit times. All of the children who have completed these projects have been given a special certificate to acknowledge their hard work. Below are pictures of the children receiving their certificates.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Music lessons

In music this half-term we have been learning all about pitch movement. 2N displayed their knowledge of this by performing two songs.

Snow games

Unfortunately year 2 did not get the chance to go on their school trip, so instead we had fun playing in the snow.

Monday, February 09, 2009

2N's Class Assembly

Last Friday we had our class assembly it was a great success with the children performing really well. The children deserve extra praise due to the short amount of practice time they had because of the weather.

Well done to all in 2N and thank you to the parents for their efforts and for attending the performance as it meant a lot to the children.

Friday, January 09, 2009

The Great Fire of London

This half term the children in 2N have been completing projects on The Great Fire of London. These projects have been marked by me but have also been shared with the rest of the class during our fruit times.

All of the children who have completed these projects have been given a special certificate to acknowledge their hard work.

Below are pictures of the children receiving their certificates.