Friday, February 13, 2009

Florence Nightingale Projects

This half term the children in 2N have been completing projects on Florence Nightingale. These projects have been marked by me but have also been shared with the rest of the class during our fruit times. All of the children who have completed these projects have been given a special certificate to acknowledge their hard work. Below are pictures of the children receiving their certificates.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Music lessons

In music this half-term we have been learning all about pitch movement. 2N displayed their knowledge of this by performing two songs.

Snow games

Unfortunately year 2 did not get the chance to go on their school trip, so instead we had fun playing in the snow.

Monday, February 09, 2009

2N's Class Assembly

Last Friday we had our class assembly it was a great success with the children performing really well. The children deserve extra praise due to the short amount of practice time they had because of the weather.

Well done to all in 2N and thank you to the parents for their efforts and for attending the performance as it meant a lot to the children.